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Despite great intentions, Jon Stewart’s new political satire Irresistible is simply unelectable. Stream one of my nominees instead.


(Dir: Jon Stewart | Time: 1h42m | On: VOD)

A comedy using the mayoral race of a rural town as a microcosm for the disfunction of the US political system could be a good delivery vehicle for a timely message.

Sadly, Jon Stewart’s return to the fray is a tired and painful combination of unfunny “com”, creepy “rom”. The political commentary, while laudably bipartisan, ends up being too on-the-nose for those in the know but also too self-important for those on the outside.

While his script relies on the talents of / goodwill towards his most famous protege Steve Carrell, the character is too obnoxious to generate laughs or empathy.

There are some fun digs at the media, but by the time a contrived final act reveal brings the message full circle, there will be few who care.

Verdict: 4/10.


To get your political kicks with style and substance – and even thrills and laughs – try these 3xFILMS:



As slick and watchable as its leading men George Clooney and Ryan Gosling, it tackles with intense drama the murky world of political campaigns that is satirised in Irresistible.
Rotten Tomatoes 84%



Like its idealistic protagonist, Frank Capra’s classic today feels boy scout-ish as far as corruption in politics. But in warning about the power of unchecked media empires, specifically their ability to broadcast an alternative reality of DC to distant corners of the country, it is depressingly on-point. Snappy dialogue and great chemistry between the leads make this dive into the mechanics of congress still impressively warm and fun.
Rotten Tomatoes 95%



Take a rowdy walk in the shoes of Dick Cheney, the darkest of political operators. Adam McKay’s Oscar-nominated script is scattershot and undeniably partisan, but a stellar cast including Christian Bale, Amy Adams and Sam Rockwell bring it home with aplomb and plenty of belly laughs.
Rotten Tomatoes 66% | On Hulu